Monday 12 November 2012


AmaTolo akwaNongwandla
Tolo, Nongwndla, Mchenge, Bhanekazi, Ngwenyankomo, Dlangamandla, Zulu, Mfingo, Vumba lempongo liyanuka,
Nozinja Ziyakhonkotha kuba zithi: Hawu! Hawu! Hawu! Xa zibon’ umnt’ ozayo,
Nozinja ziyaqhingana kanti zenz’ umntwana,
Umlamb’ awuwelwa uwelwa ziinkonjane kuphela zona zimaphiko made,
Nkomo zikaGaxaza,
Oonkuni azothiwa kuba zithezwe yinkosazana,
Bona babasa amadaka eenkomo zabo,
Izinto ezifuye inkomo zafuya negusha nehashe.

Friday 7 September 2012

Image: Lunga Dlova in East London during  2010

Image: Lunga Dlova in Durban during 2011

follow @Dloval (twitter), Lunga Zulu Dlova (facebook), lunga.dlova1 (skype)

Friday 31 August 2012

National Spring Day

What’s not to love about spring? The 1st of September always conjures memories of school – wearing civvies and the obligatory bunch of hand-picked flowers for your teacher. September ushers in warmer weather and, oh joy, the last quarter of the year as we begin hurtling towards year end and the summer holidays.

National flower

The giant or king protea (Protea cynaroides)

National tree

The real yellowwood (Podocarpus latifolius)

National animal

The springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis)

National bird

The national bird of South Africa is the blue crane (Anthropoides paradisia)

National fish

South Africa's national fish is the galjoen (Dichistius capensis)

National orders
National orders are the highest awards that a country, through its President, bestows on its citizens and eminent foreign nationals.

National coat of arms

South Africa's coat of arms, or state emblem, is the highest visual symbol of the state.

National flag

The national flag of the Republic of South Africa was adopted on Freedom Day, 27 April 1994, and first flown 10 May 1994 - the day Nelson Mandela was inaugurated as President.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Never give up!!!

Our lives are not determined by what happens to us
But by how we react to what happens,
Not by what life brings to us,
But by the attitude we bring to life.

If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.
If you don’t ask, the answer is most likely no.
Nothing is achieved without some effort from you.

A good plan for today is better
Than a great plan for tomorrow…!
Look backward with satisfaction…!
& look forward with confidence.

Faith is important.
No matter how you pray, meditate, relax.
Have faith that it will work
it really will .

You can see the future with a vision
Study your present situation throughly. Go over in your imagination the various courses of action possible to you. Visualize the consequences which can follow from …